Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Needs of training free essay sample

Examine the need and benefits of Training All organizations must manage four resources: money, equipment, information, and people. Investments in better equipment may speed up production or reduce waste. Investments in training and development of employees can make them more productive or more effective in their jobs, directly contributing to the bottom line. The singular function of training is to produce change. It is the upgrading of a person’s skill or the addition of a new skill, which in turn can bring about the desired change an agency is seeking. It is important to understand that training in and of itself cannot motivate a work force The purpose of training and management development programs is to improve employee capabilities and organizational capabilities. When the organization invests in improving the knowledge and skills of its employees, the investment is returned in the form of more productive and effective employees. Training and development programs may be focused on individual performance or team performance. We will write a custom essay sample on Needs of training or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The creation and implementation of training and management development programs should be based on training and management development needs identified by a training needs analysis so that the time and money invested in training and management development is linked to the mission or core business of the organization Value and importance of Training According to Edwin B Flippo, â€Å"training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job† From the above definition, it can be observed that training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee. It imparts specific skills for specific purposes. It is mainly job oriented. Training is needed to be given to both old and new employees throughout their tenure in the organization. †¢to foster growth and development †¢to provide opportunities for employees to accept greater challenges †¢to aid employees in contributing to the achievement of department goals and the agency’s mission and vision †¢to build employee self-confidence and commitment †¢to produce a measurable change in performance †¢to bring about the desired changes that can solve a variety of problems Types of Training Programmes Induction or Orientation Training: This training programme is meant to induct a new employee into the new social setting of this work setting. The new employee is introduced to his job situations and informed about the rules, working conditions, privileges and activities. Most of the information is likely to be embodied in a handbook which is distributed to an employee and in case of rank and file workers, the orientation may consist only of brief explanations by a member of Personnel department or the supervisor under whom the employee will work In order to maximize the effectiveness of training and development, organizations must constantly assess their employees’ current training and development needs and identify training and development needs to prepare employees for their next position. This requires that organizations recognize that different employees will have different needs and that these needs will change over time as these workers continue in their careers The different types of training programs can be broadly classified as Job Training: The purpose of job training is to increase the knowledge of workers about the jobes within which they are concerned so that their efficiency and skill of performance are improved. In job training workers learn correct methods of handling machines and equipments, avoiding accidents, removing bottlenecks,etc Promotional Training: Many companies have adopted a policy of filing some of the vacancies at higher levels by promoting existing employees. When existing employees are promoted in the Organization, they are required to shoulder new responsibilities. For this, they require training so that they may not experience any difficulty to shoulder the responsibilities of the new position to which they have been promoted Refresher Training: At the time of initial appointment, employees are formally training for their jobs, but with the passage of time, they may forget some of the methods which were taught to them or some of the methods or all of them may have become out dated because of technological development. Hence, refresher training is arranged for existing employees in order to enable them to revive and improve their knowledge.

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